co_yield expression enables it to write a generator function. The generator function returns on request each time a new value. A generator function is a kind of data stream, from which you can pick values. The data stream can be infinite; therefore, we are in the centre of lazy evaluation with C++.


//std::experimental::generator; auto test_yield_int() -> std::experimental::generator; {; std::cout << "1 will yield return" << std::endl;; co_yield 1; 

“Most Fixed-income investors won’t d BY  MATT TUCKER,   CFA  iShares Head of Fixed Income Strategy Lately it feels like all I talk about here on the blog is the potential for rising interest rates – when it might happen, signs that a  rate BY MATT TUCKER, CFA iShares Head 27 Oct 2019 Number generator – co_yield Output: The coroutine int_generator creates an infinite data stream. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 © 2019 Andrei Novikov 8  30 May 2020 Generators: It is useful to implement generators that are targeted for uses the keyword co_yield to suspend execution returning a value. uses  The actual coroutine is implemented below the struct generator. Note, how it can use co_await and co_yield because of the aforementioned points. Finally the  …a co_yield expression, or. ◦ …a range-based for i = first; i <= last; ++i).

Co_yield generator

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In addition to being able to co_yield a value of type T you can also co_yield a value of type recursive_generator. So when you co_yield a recursive_generator value, all elements of the yielded generator are yielded as elements of the current generator. This simplifies the code above as there is no need for the internal range-for loops. layout: true