Pantone / PMS 2945 C / #004c97 Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color code #004c97 is a medium dark shade of cyan-blue. In the RGB color model #004c97 is comprised of 0% red, 29.8% green and 59.22% blue. In the HSL color space #004c97 has a hue of …


For the PANTONE Color Finder we use the M2 lighting standard to align with commonly used design software like Adobe Photoshop. PANTONE 294 C is available in the following Pantone products:

227, 82, 5 F3D03E. A3C7D2. PROFILFÄRG. CMYK.

Pantone 294 c blue

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By definition, Pantone 294 is the official color code for the color that we all affectionately call Dodger Blue. But from a fan’s perspective, the Pantone 294 Dodgers fan group is, hands down, the largest travelling fan group in all of baseball, and there isn’t a close second. Pantone / PMS 294 C / #002f6c hexadecimale kleurcode De hexadecimale kleurcode #002f6c is een donkere tint van cyaan-blauw . In het RGB-kleurmodel bestaat #002f6c uit 0% rood, 18.43% groen en 42.35% blauw. Mar 3, 2020 - PANTONE 294 C #pantone #color #PMS #hex #blue Shop Categories – Pantone 294. Home. Shop Categories.

The hexadecimal color code #0057a6 is a medium dark shade of cyan-blue. In the RGB color model #0057a6 is comprised of 0% red, 34.12% green and 65.1% blue. In the HSL color space #0057a6 has a hue of 209° (degrees), 100% saturation and 33% lightness.

användning, sports artiklar. Avsnitt, rund hals. Skötselråd, Tvätt 40 ° C Kan strykas #C4082D RGB 190 15 52 CMYK 18 99 77 7 Pantone 200 C. Royal Blue.

Mirrorfast Neon kits – Air dry thermoplastic acrylic. Pantone 294 was created with the hopes of uniting loyal Dodger fans from all over the world in efforts to support our Boys in Blue while they are away from home Free Shipping Over $100 HOME For the PANTONE Color Finder we use the M2 lighting standard to align with commonly used design software like Adobe Photoshop. PANTONE Reflex Blue C is available in the following Pantone products: Shop for Pantone® 2945 C samples and products on Pantone. Convert Pantone® 2945 C color into RGB, Hex, and CMYK values.

Grey / pms 405. Flamingo / pms 226. Grön / pms 294. Skogsgrön / pms 356. Lila / pms 3302. Antracit / pms 267. Honey brown / pms 425. Dark blue / pms 729.

Ytfinish. Trumma, blå, Pantone 294 C. Konsol, blå, Pantone 294 C. Dimensioner LxBxH ( mm ), 495 x 170 x 508. Vikt ( kg ), 25,700.

299. 1236 täckvit PMS 294. 0871 422. 231. 84618.
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Pantone 294 c blue

Honey brown / pms 425. Dark blue / pms 729. Green shade / pms 557.

Honey brown / pms 425.
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Pantone 294 c blue

24 May 2017 Pantone 294 is the official shade of blue for the Dodgers. It's also an incredible fan base that travels throughout the country to support the 

3 Feb 2019 Black Blue.

Pantone 294 was created with the hopes of uniting loyal Dodger fans from all over the world in efforts to support our Boys in Blue while they are away from home. To be able to show our love and support to our Dodgers at an away game gives new meaning to the full fan experience and we strive to provide a unique, fun and safe environment for everyone who attends our trips.

By definition, Pantone 294 is the official color code for the color that we all affectionately call Dodger Blue.

Vertical to Lower. Aft Fuselage Painted. Dk Blue P MS 294 C. Lt Blue Pantone 2985 C. (Continued from front page). Hyundai Brand Color Palette. google logo colors.