ProSupport Plus, Dells mest kompletta1 support – service för datorer och surfplattor*, ger bästa möjliga support med minsta möjliga arbete för kunden.Det är den enda premiumtjänsten för datorer och surfplattor där automatiserad support ingår som förhindrar problem innan de kan uppstå och snabbt löser dem när det behövs.


ProSupport or higher on monitored devices Supported product lines PowerEdge, PowerVault, PowerConnect, EQL, • Force 10 UPDATED: April 2013 Sales Card: Dell ProSupport Plus 1 2 3 We have a highly skilled IT staff. When we call support, we want to talk to senior level L3 experts immediately. Our environment is complex. We need a single point of

ProSupport Plus: Mission Critical 8-Hour 7x24 On-Site Service with Emergency Dispatch,EXT to 3 Year $999.00 Get Discount maintenance terms. ProSupport Plus for Enterprise is available to support and maintain: 1. Dell Technologies Equipment which is identified on the Dell Technologies Product Warranty and Maintenance Table and/or on your Order Form as including ProSupport Plus for Enterprise during the applicable warranty period; or The Plus option adds in the predictive monitoring, a feature that makes Dell's business warranty stands out, and accidental damage protection. Both the standard ProSupport and the Plus options ProSupport Plus helps IT stay a step ahead and virtually eliminate unplanned downtime due to hardware issues.

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ProSupport Plus para empresas está disponible para admitir y actualizar: 1. Equipo de Dell Technologies identificado en la Tabla de mantenimiento y garantía del producto de Dell Technologies o el Dell Prosupport Plus Upgrade From 3 Years Next Business Day On-Site Service. 2 495 kr. Exkl.

Välj från ett stort utbud av Service & support till datorer och andra it-produkter för företag. The following chart lists the service features of ProSupport Plus for Enterprise provided under Dell Technologies’s warranty and/or maintenance terms.

Dell EMC’s ProSupport Suite for PCs offers that level of service. Using proprietary SupportAssist 2 technology, the ProSupport Suite provides predictive alerts to help you stay ahead of issues, proactive support to help you quickly repair both hardware and software problems and priority access to ProSupport engineers – giving you 24x7 back-up.

Dell Technologies Equipment which is identified on the Dell Technologies Product Warranty and Maintenance Table and/or on your Order Form as including ProSupport Plus for Enterprise during the applicable warranty period; or The Plus option adds in the predictive monitoring, a feature that makes Dell's business warranty stands out, and accidental damage protection. Both the standard ProSupport and the Plus options ProSupport Plus helps IT stay a step ahead and virtually eliminate unplanned downtime due to hardware issues. You get all the capabilities of ProSupport, as well as AI-driven alerts to prevent failures and repairs for accidents.* ProSupport or higher on monitored devices Supported product lines PowerEdge, PowerVault, PowerConnect, EQL, • Force 10 UPDATED: April 2013 Sales Card: Dell ProSupport Plus 1 2 3 We have a highly skilled IT staff. When we call support, we want to talk to senior level L3 experts immediately.

In addition to providing troubleshooting, service and next business-day replacement parts for Dell hardware, ProSupport and the premium ProSupport Plus also 

Dell ProSupport Plus technical support numbers Country Number Extension (where applicable) Anguilla 1-800-335-0031 88073 Antilles & Curacao 001-866-379-1022 88073 Antiqua & Barbuda 1-877-441-4735 88073 Argentina 0-800-6660153 88073 Apr 10, 2017 at 9:22 AM. Yep, laptops have Pro support Plus for the additional accidental damage warranty coverage. Its cheaper then doing Pro Support and adding the accidental damage on top. Servers are all used so far so no Dell warranty on them. ProSupport Plus ist der umfassendste* Dell Support- Service für PCs und Tablet-PCs.* Er bietet maximale Support-Abdeckung bei minimalem Aufwand für den Kunden. ProSupport Plus ist der einzige Premium-Service für PCs und Tablet-PCs*, der den Support automatisiert und Problemen vorbeugt*, noch bevor sie Dell ProSupport Plus är den enda kompletta supporttjänsten som kombinerar prioriterad åtkomst till kunnig support, reparationer av olycksskadade enheter och proaktiv övervakning med automatiserat förebyggande och åtgärdande av fel. Prioriterad åtkomst till ProSupport-tekniker dygnet runt.

Dell Technologies Equipment which is identified on the Dell Technologies Product Warranty and Maintenance Table and/or on SupportAssist must be activated through ProSupport or ProSupport Plus to realize proactive or predictive alerts or benefits. Hardware issues detected by SupportAssist include hard drives, solid state drives, batteries and fans. Dell's ProSupport and ProSupport Plus are available for enterprise and business systems. Business users interested in consumer systems, like the XPS series, can choose Dell's Premium Support option Dell EMC’s ProSupport Suite for PCs offers that level of service. Using proprietary SupportAssist 2 technology, the ProSupport Suite provides predictive alerts to help you stay ahead of issues, proactive support to help you quickly repair both hardware and software problems and priority access to ProSupport engineers – giving you 24x7 back-up.

Prosupport plus dell

ProSupport Plus är Dells mest kompletta supporttjänst, den ger prioriterad tillgång dygnet runt till expertsupport och omfattar även skador genom olyckshändelser, möjlighet att behålla hårddisken, support på plats nästa arbetsdag efter fjärrdiagnos och proaktiv övervakning för automatiserad felsökning och varningar. Dell ProSupport Plus technical support numbers Country Number Extension (where applicable) Anguilla 1-800-335-0031 88073 Antilles & Curacao 001-866-379-1022 88073 Antiqua & Barbuda 1-877-441-4735 88073 Argentina 0-800-6660153 88073 Apr 10, 2017 at 9:22 AM. Yep, laptops have Pro support Plus for the additional accidental damage warranty coverage. Its cheaper then doing Pro Support and adding the accidental damage on top.

Välj från ett stort utbud av Service & support till datorer och andra it-produkter för företag. ProSupport or higher on monitored devices Supported product lines PowerEdge, PowerVault, PowerConnect, EQL, • Force 10 UPDATED: April 2013 Sales Card: Dell ProSupport Plus 1 2 3 We have a highly skilled IT staff.
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Channel ProSupport Plus and 4Hr Mission Critical Extension. $99,999.00. Get Discount. 43. 810-0534. ProSupport Plus Mission Critical:2-Hour 7x24 On-Site Service with Emergency Dispatch and 6Hour Repair.36 Months Extended. $9,995.00.

Dell EMC’s ProSupport Suite for PCs offers that level of service. Using proprietary SupportAssist 2 technology, the ProSupport Suite provides predictive alerts to help you stay ahead of issues, proactive support to help you quickly repair both hardware and software problems and priority access to ProSupport engineers – giving you 24x7 back-up.

ProSupport Plus för Enterprise. Inledning. Dell Technologies1 erbjuder ProSupport  Dedikerad Service Account Manager (SAM) för kunder med minst 500 system berättigade till ProSupport Plus. Accidental Damage (se beskrivning nedan och  I tjänstebeskrivningen Dell ProSupport Plus för datorer och surfplattor finns information om tjänstens omfattning, åtgärder som tjänsten kräver, tillvalstjänster och  Dell ProSupport Plus för datorer och surfplattor (Dell ProSupport Plus for PCs and EMC ProSupport för programvara för Lagringsdirigering-förberedda noder  ProSupport har välutbildade experter som är tillgängliga dygnet runt och över hela världen. Dell EMC datalagring (på engelska) · ProSupport Plus för företag  Dell ProSupport Plus ser problem med systemets tillstånd och fixar dem innan de skapar kaos. Det kombinerar automatiserade prediktiva funktioner,  ProSupport Plus är Dells mest kompletta supporttjänst, den ger prioriterad tillgång dygnet runt till expertsupport och omfattar även skador genom  ProSupport Plus förbättrar prestanda och stabilitet i kritiska system genom automatiserad support, analys och rätt kompetens för din organisation.

Dedicated Technology Service Manager (TSM) for customers with 500 or more ProSupport Plus  In addition to providing troubleshooting, service and next business-day replacement parts for Dell hardware, ProSupport and the premium ProSupport Plus also  Dec 20, 2017 Enterprise customers may choose from their Basic, ProSupport, or ProSupport Plus plans or select the ProSupport Enterprise Suite for the Data  Dell ProSupport Plus Upgrade from 1 Year ProSupport Next Business Day Onsite - Extended service agreement - parts and labor - 2 years - on-site - 24x7  ProSupport Plus skapades som en reaktion på dagens föränderliga datacenter och komplexa miljöer.