

vorvida® is a fully automated digital therapy developed by Orexo´s partner GAIA and is based on its proprietary artificial intelligence (AI)-expert system, broca®. vorvida® is scientifically proven to reduce troublesome drinking patterns in adults with AUD.

Expects to launch its first digital therapy in the US for Swedish company Orexo has purchased the exclusive US rights to vorvida, a digital therapy to treat alcohol use disorder (AUD), from GAIA, for an undisclosed sum. In August, Orexo signed an agreement with GAIA to secure exclusive secure global commercial rights to OXD01, a digital therapy being developed to treat OUD. Orexo AB (publ.), (STO: ORX) (OTCQX: ORXOY) announces today the US launch of the scientifically proven digital therapies deprexis® and vorvida®, for treatment of symptoms of depression and Orexo AB (publ) today announces it has submitted an application to FDA for vorvida® to enable commercialization in the US. vorvida®, is a digital therapy with clinically proven efficacy for the treatment of bothersome or harmful alcohol consumption including diagnosed alcohol use disorder (AUD). Orexo AB (publ), the fully integrated specialty pharmaceutical company with the aim of becoming a leader within treatment of addiction, today announces it has acquired the exclusive US rights to vorvida®, a digital therapy for the treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), from GAIA AG (GAIA), a global leader in digital therapeutics. Article Orexo gains US rights to deprexis, a digital therapy to help manage depression symptoms. 11-05-2020.

Orexo vorvida

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This news follows an earlier agreement with GAIA in August 2019, for the exclusive global commercial rights to OXD01, a new digital therapy being developed for the treatment of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). vorvida ® uses cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) tools and techniques to help you identify triggers, break negative behaviors, and develop healthier responses. By developing more self-awareness and additional skills, vorvida® can help you drink less alcohol in as little as 3 months. 1 Dessutom rapporterade användarna av vorvida färre dagar av berusningsdrickande och fylleri jämfört med kontrollgruppen samtidigt som acceptansen och användningsgraden av vorvida var hög. – Vi är glada att kunna utöka vårt partnerskap med GAIA och stolta över att Orexo även kan adressera alkoholberoende, en annan stor beroendekris.

vorvida ® är en helautomatiserad digital terapi utvecklad av GAIA baserad på företagets egenutvecklade system broca, som bygger på artificiell intelligens (AI). Alkoholmissbruk är en omfattande hälsokris i USA med cirka 16,6 miljoner människor som är drabbade 1.

att vorvida® skulle kunna utgöra ett viktigt behandlingsalternativ för patienterna." Dennis Urbaniak, Executive Vice President, Orexo Digital Therapeutics, kommenterar: "Sedan jag kom till Orexo i december förra året har vi arbetat intensivt med att förbereda en ansökan för vorvida® till FDA.

Article Orexo submits US filing for digital therapeutic vorvida. 06-03-2020. InBrief BRIEF—Orexo initiates share buyback program.


It was developed by GAIA and is based on its proprietary artificial intelligence (AI)-expert system, broca®. vorvida® is scientifically proven to reduce troublesome drinking patterns in adults with harmful alcohol consumption. Orexo starts to test modia™ on patients in collaboration with ApexB.io and Magellan Rx Management. 10 February 2021 · Press Release. Orexo expects FDA filing of OX124 mid 2022.

Orexo DTx skapades under fjärde kvartalet 2019 och har för närvarande tre produkter i sin pipeline, vorvida® för alkoholmissbruk, deprexis® för depression och OXD01 för opioidberoende, alla i partnerskap med GAIA-koncernen.
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Orexo vorvida

It uses proven tools and techniques that help manage drinking without having to talk to a therapist or a doctor.* Orexo’s Vorvida uses questions about a person’s drinking habits and path to treatment to tailor a program±for example, selecting exercises that can include guided meditation, creating a diary of vorvida® modia™ Orexo US Blog Contact EN EN SV; Orexo. Sustainability. International framework. International framework

It uses proven tools and techniques that help manage drinking without having to talk to a therapist or a doctor.* Orexo’s Vorvida uses questions about a person’s drinking habits and path to treatment to tailor a program±for example, selecting exercises that can include guided meditation, creating a diary of vorvida® modia™ Orexo US Blog Contact EN EN SV; Orexo. Sustainability.
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Orexo vorvida

Vorvida (Orexo project no. OXD02) is a fully automated digital therapy developed by GAIA based on its proprietary artificial intelligence (AI)-expert system, broca. Vorvida is scientifically proven to reduce troublesome drinking patterns in adults with AUD.

Article Technology due to disrupt life 2020-03-06 Orexo AB (publ), today announces it has submitted an application to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for vorvida® to enable commercialization in the US. vorvida®, is a digital therapy with clinically proven efficacy for the treatment of bothersome or harmful alcohol consumption including diagnosed alcohol use disorder (AUD). 2020-05-12 Vorvida is developed by GAIA, a global major in digital therapeutics, based on its proprietary artificial intelligence-expert system, broca. Under the deal, Orexo will be accountable for the regulatory approval and commercialisation of vorvida in the US. Orexo issued the following announcement on March 6. Orexo AB (publ), today announces it has submitted an application to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for vorvida® to enable commercialization in the US. vorvida®, is a digital therapy with clinically proven efficacy for the treatment of bothersome or harmful alcohol consumption including diagnosed alcohol use disorder (AUD).


By developing more self-awareness and additional skills, vorvida® can help you drink less alcohol in as little as 3 months. 1 Dessutom rapporterade användarna av vorvida färre dagar av berusningsdrickande och fylleri jämfört med kontrollgruppen samtidigt som acceptansen och användningsgraden av vorvida var hög. – Vi är glada att kunna utöka vårt partnerskap med GAIA och stolta över att Orexo även kan adressera alkoholberoende, en annan stor beroendekris. Uppsala, Sweden – July 2, 2020 – Orexo AB (publ.), (STO:ORX) (OTCQX:ORXOY) announces today the US launch of the scientifically proven digital therapies deprexis® and vorvida®, for treatment of symptoms of depression and management of problematic alcohol misuse respectively. deprexis® is available to patients from July 1 st and vorvida® from July 15 th.

vorvida® is a fully automated digital therapy developed by Orexo´s partner GAIA and is based on its proprietary artificial intelligence (AI)-expert system, broca®. vorvida® is scientifically proven to reduce troublesome drinking patterns in adults with AUD. · tillstånd från FDA för vorvida® förväntas under Q2 2020 · lansering av den första digitala terapin för alkoholmissbruk i USA under andra halvåret 2020 Uppsala Orexo lämnar in ansökan till FDA för kommersialisering av vorvida® i USA | Placera Orexo AB (publ) meddelar idag att företaget lämnat in en ansökan till den amerikanska läkemedelsmyndigheten FDA för kommersialisering av vorvida® i USA. vorvida® är en bevisad effektiv digital terapi för behandling av bekymmersam eller skadlig alkoholkonsumtion, inklusive diagnostiserat alkoholberoende (alcohol use disorder, AUD). Orexo lanserar deprexis® och vorvida® i USA och ger uppdaterad finansiell guidning 02 juli 2020 · Pressmeddelande · Regulatoriskt Orexo har förvärvat de exklusiva rättigheterna i USA för vorvida, en digital terapi för behandling av alkoholberoende, från Gaia.