av M Dahlberg · 2019 — Under senare år har Europeiska kommissionen flyttat fram positionerna. controls within the EU, Brussels, October 2018,. Taxud/D2. Det rättsliga stödet för att 


TAXUD-UNIT-C2@ec.europa.eu. February 14, 2017 . RE: Public consultation on excise duty applied to manufactured tobacco . Introduction . My name is Alex Brill, and I am a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI), a nonprofit think tank in Washington, DC , and a principal at the economic consulting firm

Tout sur la fiscalité des entreprises, la TVA Joseph II 79 building (J79) Rue Joseph II 79 / Josef II-straat 79 1000 Bruxelles / Brussel (Belgium) Taxation and Customs Union . Menu. Home; Business; Citizens; Customs; Taxation; Online services; Online services DG TAXUD The Directorate General Taxation and Customs Union's mission is to develop and manage the Customs Union, a foundation of the EU, and to develop and implement tax policy across the EU for the benefit of citizens, businesses and the Member States. Latest knowledge from this organisation PAGE | 09 Sep 2020 TAXUD authentication portal; Where Are You From (wayf) Select the domain of the application you request access to. Select the country where you want to be A beneficiary country which benefit from that extension of the transition period shall submit to DG TAXUD (TAXUD-UNIT-E5@ec.europa.eu) by 30 September 2020, a report detailing the progress made in implementing the work plan, and elaborating on any corrective measures necessary to meet the time-limit of 31 December 2020 for the application of the REX system. TARIC, the integrated Tariff of the European Union, is a multilingual database integrating all measures relating to EU customs tariff, commercial and agricultural legislation.

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Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) − the European public procurement journal. 190784-2017 - Belgium-Brussels: TAXUD/2016/AO-01 — Services to cover the trans-European system management and coordination of the Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (ITSM3-TES) Regulation (EU) No 1286/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 establishing an action programme to improve the operation of taxation systems in the European Union for the period 2014-2020 (Fiscalis 2020) and repealing Decision No 1482/2007/EC Select: 1 CCN-Evolution – Specification, Development, Maintenance and 3rd Level Support of TAXUD IT Platforms Description This call for tenders covers the procurement of specification, development, maintenance and 3rd level support of TAXUD IT platforms with 2 lots:Lot A: (Evolution Services for the CCN/CSI platform); andLot B: (Evolution Services for the CCN2(ng), SPEED2(ng), CDCO/TSOAP and SSV COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES Brussels, 29.11.1999 COM(1999) 632 final Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION authorising Member States to … SAMANCTA is the sampling manual for customs and taxation authorities. It contains information and instructions on how to take and handle samples for laboratory testing. SAMANCTA is a guideline on how to sample goods for customs purposes, financed by the European Commission and developed by the Sampling Working Group Laboratories (Directorate General for Taxation and Customs Union and … Commission welcomes provisional political agreement on new €1 billion package to finance customs control equipment in EU Member States. The Commission welcomes the provisional political agreement reached today by the European Parliament and EU Member States on the new Customs Control Equipment Instrument for 2021-2027.

TAXEDU is a European Union pilot project. Its aim is to educate young European citizens about tax and how it affects their lives.

An overview of EU taxation policy and action, information on cross-border, company and income tax, and links to related events, publications and teaching materials.

All about company taxation, VAT, customs procedures Directorate-GeneralTAXUD Taxation and Customs Union This Commission department is responsible for EU policies on taxation and customs. COVID-19 Taxud Response. Guidance on customs provisions and tax measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Entreprises.

The EU Open Data Portal provides, via a metadata catalogue, a single point of access to data of the EU institutions, agencies and bodies for anyone to reuse.

By: G.A. Verzandvoort LLM, Post-Master in EU Customs Law and its operation,. 15 April 2016, TAXUD A.4/AV D (2016) 2263388. TAXUD · Noodprocedures D&A · Beperking- en verbodsmaatregelen In het PBEU L 192 van 30 juli 2018 werd de Gedelegeerde Verordening (EU) 2018/ 1063  EPA HELPDESK TO SUPPORT EU SMEsOn 17 July 2018, the European Union and Japan signed an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), the biggest trade   Soon the European Data Portal and the EU Open Data Portal are coming together to offer regional, national, EU and international data in one space: data. europa.

EU Commission - DG TAXUD. Brussels Area, Belgium500+ connections.
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Europa taxud

LEAD DG (RESPONSIBLE UNIT). DG TAXUD ( C2). GD Taxud är EU-kommissionens generaldirektorat för skatter och tullar. Additional tools. Print version; Decrease text; Increase text.

I det första uppdraget kommer  COVID-19 Taxud Response. Guidance on customs provisions and tax measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Business. All about company taxation, VAT, customs procedures Directorate-GeneralTAXUD Taxation and Customs Union This Commission department is responsible for EU policies on taxation and customs.
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Europa taxud

European Union > European Commission > Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD) Director-General: Mr Gerassimos THOMAS https://ec.europa.eu/info/departments/taxation-and-customs-union

TAXUD · Noodprocedures D&A · Beperking- en verbodsmaatregelen In het PBEU L 192 van 30 juli 2018 werd de Gedelegeerde Verordening (EU) 2018/ 1063  EPA HELPDESK TO SUPPORT EU SMEsOn 17 July 2018, the European Union and Japan signed an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), the biggest trade   Soon the European Data Portal and the EU Open Data Portal are coming together to offer regional, national, EU and international data in one space: data. europa. The European Accounting, Audit, Tax and Legal Association for medium-sized companies EuropeFides. Tax, Law, Audit and Advisory. EuropeFides is a  7.4.2019 Pašmāju supergrupa ”A-Europa” un tās līderis Arturs Duboks nesnauž – aprīli viņi sākuši ar jaunu dziesmu ”Kad tevis nav”. Hits ieturēts  Revision of Directive 2011/64/EU on the structure and rates of excise duty applied to manufactured tobacco.

taxud.c.1(2017)1280928 – Working paper No 923 VAT Committee – Question 4/24 At EU level, the Commission has commited to work with Member States and businesses with a view to developing a coordinated and more concrete implementation of transfer pricing rules within the EU, reflecting the economic reality of the Single Market12.

Binding on: all EU customs administrations and. the holder. European Union > European Commission > Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD) The Registered Exporter system (the REX system) is the system of certification of origin of goods that will be applied in the Generalised System of Preference (GSP) of the European Union HTML (861 views) (852 Downloads) Surveillance. Database of specific products under ‘surveillance’ or monitoring imported into the EU customs territory in the European Union > European Commission > Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union > Indirect taxation and tax administration > Indirect taxes other than VAT > Environmental, energy, transport taxation and FTT (TAXUD.C.2.001) Entreprises. Tout sur la fiscalité des entreprises, la TVA, les procédures douanières, les droits d’accises, la législation, les appels d’offres, etc. The TAXUD surveillance system ("customs surveillance") records and centralizes all trade data (import and exports) directly from the national customs authorities on a daily basis. For each transaction, the stored data contain the information available on the Single Administrative Document (SAD), including the volume and origin of the consignment.

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