The oculomotor nerve is the third cranial nerve (CN III). It enters the orbit via the superior orbital fissure and innervates extrinsic eye muscles that enable most movements of the eye and that raise the eyelid.
nervus oculomotoriusの意味・和訳。【名詞】動眼神経(例文)supplies extrinsic muscles of the eye.英検公式!英検対策に役立つ英和・和英辞書.
oculomotor nerve the third cranial nerve; it is mixed, that is, it contains both sensory and motor fibers. Various branches of the oculomotor nerve provide for muscle sense and movement in most of the muscles of the eye, for constriction of the pupil, and for accommodation of the eye. See anatomic Table of Nerves in the Appendices. Der Nervus oculomotorius ist der dritte Hirnnerv und führt somatomotorische und allgemein-viszeromotorische Fasern. Er ist zusammen mit dem Nervus trochlearis und dem Nervus abducens für die Bewegung des Augapfels zuständig.
3:e kranialnerv — Nervus oculomotorius — 15. Mai 2017 1. Hirnnerv. Nervus olfactorius. (Riechnerv). sensorisch.
Det finns 12 par kranialnerver. Alla finns symmetriskt på både höger och vänster sida.
S041, Skada på nervus oculomotorius. S042, Skada på nervus trochlearis. S043, Skada på nervus trigeminus. S044, Skada på nervus abducens. S045, Skada
VIII.Nervus vestibulocochlearis. IX. Der Nervus oculomotorius (Augenbewegungsnerv) ist der dritte von zwölf paarigen Hirnnerven. Er innerviert vier von sechs äußeren Augenmuskeln, zwei Entstehung und im Rückbildungsstadium einer Nervus-ocu- lomotorius-Parese liegen jeweils inkomplette Formen vor. Eine Okulomotoriusfunktionsstörung aangedaan, zijn niet alle bovenstaande verschijnselen aanwezig.
Der Verlauf des III. Hirnnervs, der N. Oculomotorius, anhand der App Visible Body.
synnerven nervus 12 kranialnerver 1 Olfactorius 2 Opticus 3 Oculomotorius 4 Trochlearis 5 4 KN III Nervus oculomotorius - motor Innerverar fyra av de sex musklerna som är Article.
pruh. okohybných svalů oka a m. levator palpebrae kromě: M. rectus lateralis; M. obliquus superior
Definition of nervus oculomotorius in the Dictionary. Meaning of nervus oculomotorius. What does nervus oculomotorius mean?
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nervus oculomotorius - supplies extrinsic muscles of the eye oculomotor, oculomotor nerve, third cranial nerve cranial nerve - any of the 12 paired La okulmova nervo (KN III) ekestiĝas de la antaŭa parto de la mezencefalo (mezcerbo). Ekzistas du nukleoj por la okulmova nervo: La okulmova nukleo originas sur la nivelo de la supra koliklo. nervus oculomotorius: translation [TA] oculomotor nerve: third cranial nerve; origin , brainstem, emerging medial to cerebral peduncles and running forward in the cavernous sinus; branches, superior and inferior rami; Nervus Oculomotorius is on Facebook.
Svenska. Hörselnerv Norska. Nervus glossopharyngeus.
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Oculomotor nerve palsy is an eye condition resulting from damage to the third cranial nerve or a branch thereof. As the name suggests, the oculomotor nerve supplies the majority of the muscles controlling eye movements. Thus, damage to this nerve will result in the affected individual being unable to move their eye normally.
trochlearis and n. abducens. 0. Comment.
Silmän liikehermo (lat. nervus oculomotorius) on kolmas aivohermo, joka on yläluomen kohottajalihaksen sekä neljän silmälihaksen somaattinen hermo.Lisäksi silmän liikehermo toimii silmän parasympaattisena hermona.
Skada på nervus abducens. S04.5.
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonyms nervus oculomotorius; cranial nerve III. In more languages. Spanish. nervio oculomotor. tercer nervio craneal.